Saturday, August 13, 2005

A Retort

Hang on just a goddamn minute. You're not actually buying any of that, are you? (see previous post) I have been framed, you imbeciles. I never touched that stuffed animal, never even met him for god's sake. This is just another example of the sort of propaganda that is swirling out of control around here. Oh, poor stupid puppy, had to have surgery, we all feel so bad for you. Well, no one shows you the other pictures:

Seems like she's feeling pretty good now, doesn't it? And yes, that's my ass she's shoving her nose into. Oh sure, everyone laughs when it happens, no one tries to help me out and maybe I do purr every once in a while.....but I'm telling you, its sexual harrasment and there's only so much more I can take. Especially if I have to take the fall for her murderous attacks. I'm calling my lawyer.


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