Wednesday, August 10, 2005

It only hurts when I do ANYTHING

Lucy, here.

Forgive me if I am not my usual bouncy, happy self. You see, the folks who live here seem to think that taking me to the vet, having my belly ripped open and precious ladylike tissue removed is a great way to pass the time. Was this my paid vacation? I certainly hope not.

And now, what do I do? No walks, no rolling in the grass for freakin' two weeks. At least the cats are being understanding:

Isn't she so sweet? I think she's finally warming up to me. Although, it was weird how she didn't seem really happy when I got home yesterday. And I swear one of them was clawing at my stitches while I was asleep. But maybe I was just dreaming, drugs can sure make you loopy!

By the way, since the cats did all the intros yesterday, they didn't mention the special guests that may appear from time to time. There's my cousin, Lola F. Blumayan:

Who, despite her short, stumpy legs is an excellent dancer and taught me at a young age the joys of eating cat shit.

And then there's Bernard.

Isn't he gorgeous? He is totally my boyfriend, I don't care what anyone says. I know he looks a little terrified in this picture, sort of like he can't wait to get the hell out of my house, but trust me, he loves me. And all that stuff his mom says about how he only likes to hump boys? Forget it, its just a phase. Anyway, its time to look for more puppy vicodin. Bye!


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